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Edition - Feb 2019



Silicon Valley is Everywhere!
For decades Silicon Valley claimed a monopoly on technological innovation. But as the world has become smaller and fully connected, other places – some likely and some even unlikely, have elbowed in to become global innovation hubs in their own right.
The Economist’s report on innovation says that innovation clusters emerge when a network of companies co-exist within a geographic location, allowing each of them to collaborate – and compete – in a way which delivers greater productivity gains than they would achieve in isolation. These clusters require six key ingredients: skills, accommodating policy framework, infrastructure, low cost structures in the early stages, a good lifestyle offering and serendipity.

In the past, brilliant Indian minds went abroad in search of firstly, a better lifestyle and secondly, good work. Today they are returning home primarily for great work at innovative start-ups.

Since the turn of the century, the UNIDEL Group has been incubating and developing companies that apply software-based automation technologies to traditional brick and mortar industries.  It has rapidly emerged as an innovator and global player across Industrial IoT, Fintech and EdTech. UNIDEL companies are constantly re-imagining solutions for current industry challenges.

Silicon Valley is everywhere. UNIDEL’s technology center in Pune, India has delivered world class products and solutions used by clients across the globe. We help drive critical decision-making through better insights enabled by data and analytics.
An Industrial IoT (IIoT) Gateway is the bridge that enables communication between smart devices and their networks or cloud. With 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created every day, IIoT gateways play a vital role in data aggregation and analysis to harness the potential value of industrial data.
Softdel developed a next-gen IIoT gateway solution for the world’s largest semiconductor company. Addressing current challenges in the building automation industry and incorporating flexibility to accommodate the fast pace of technological evolution, Softdel designed the IIoT gateway to:

Leverage the latest technology for data consolidation, storage and representation.

Introduce components and data handling technology to reduce system response time.

Create scalable infrastructure to accommodate different device types and additional protocols.

Provide enhanced security covering multiple levels; authentication, authorization, secrets management, secure communication and IP protection.

Provide product life cycle support for implementation and protocol revisions

As the client’s global implementation partner, Softdel is the contact point for end users, supporting installation and resolving implementation issues.
Contact Softdel
A Family Office is a private firm that manages a High Net-worth family’s wealth and administrative needs. Asset Vantage provides the core technology to enable a Virtual Family Office at a fraction of the cost of traditional infrastructure, providing individual and consolidated views of your family’s entire net worth, enabling informed decision making.

Asset Vantage’s technology gives you access to specialized service providers, overcome geographical constraints while ensuring data security. The private cloud-based platform minimizes personnel dependencies and high fixed costs.
AV’s lean accounting and investment management capabilities enables a family to set up a VFO with several added benefits:

Own your data and secure it on a Virtual Private Server.

Centralize control with authorized user profiles and an audit trail.

Seamless access via web and app platforms.

Timely analysis with accurate, consolidated data helps control risks.

Retain global best-in-class service providers and domain specialists for each function.

Enable better accountability through Service Level Agreements and an Investment Policy Statement driven approach.
Request Demo
Given the changing nature of jobs, it is necessary to build  skills and abilities that can be used in multiple roles, rather than exclusively relying on degrees and qualifications.
ProTeen is the 21st Century Skilling Solution for high school and college students that bridges the gap between student skills and employer expectations. With a large pool of applicants for a relatively small pool of top jobs, 21st Century Skilling certification helps students stand out:
Certification on the 21st Century Top 10 Skills identified by the World Economic Forum through online interactive workshops with real world examples and hands-on experience.

Certification on any of the 550+ professions that can be completed at a student’s own pace in a three-stage process – online quiz, gamified skill-based tasks and real-world experience, all of which involve cognition, learning and knowledge.
ProTeen’s Multiple Intelligences Synthesis Engine (PROMISE) works in the background to measure awareness, experience and individuality. Self-knowledge about these three essential aspects helps students make well-informed decisions about academics and careers.

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